Monday, October 29, 2007

Holy Crap...this makes me laugh!

Ella has the funny smile that she does and i sometimes say she looks chinese when she does it... but everytime I see her do it I laugh harder and harder. i just love it!

On another note... we did some pumpkin carving this weekend. Kaleb had a lot of fun with this and did a great job all around. Every once in a while he had to take a break cause he said his arms were tired! :)

Also took some classes with Karen Russell this weekend... had a great time and was totally inspired to get out and shoot some new stuff again. Now I just have to find the time to do that... this week i have midterms at school so it may have to wait until this weekend or sometime next week :(

One more thing from this weekend... I met with a spiritual reader this weekend... and holy cow was that interesting. I've always been on the fence with that sort of stuff, but boy did she have some interesting things to say.
i think that's it for now...

Sunday, October 21, 2007

A self portrait... sorta

Yesterday I went to the Pumpkin Patch with my sister, Kaleb and Ella. (andrew was busy working... yup he has a job!!!) So anyway, I NEVER get in the pictures but today decided to turn the camera onto Ella and I... and this is what we got! It's not perfect but it's us... together... and that's all that matters... right?
The weather was beautiful and we had a great time picking pumpkins. Kaleb was our official picker... he always does a great job with this. He even pulls the wagon around with all the pumpkins in it!

Then the nice guy that worked at the patch offered to take a picture of the four of us... which also is a rare occurrece. We never get to ALL be in the picture!!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Still here...

just not really blogging these days. School has been extremely time consuming. I'm taking a lighting class right now and WOW is it way more challenging then I ever expected it to be. Maybe as the class goes on and I get a little more confident with the pictures I'll post some shots on here.

right now I seem to be consumed by fall tv in the evenings and one of my guilty pleasures is Dancing with the Stars. My main obsession with the show is Maksim. Holy Cow... is he beautiful. I seriously could care less what happens on this show as long as he is on it. I totally think he should be nominated as the next Bachelor. (which is another show that I have been sucked into as usual.) Anyway... here's some Maksim eye candy for you to enjoy.... i think i heart him!