Monday, December 17, 2007

Today......... I'm 31

It's hard to believe but yet another year has passed and now I'm looking @ my 31st Birthday! So today I've been thinking about my life and where I am at this point... to my surprise I'm totally in a GOOD place. I don't really have any complaints and I have TONS to be greatful for... actually I'm feeling pretty darn lucky at this point.

First, I have this great boy that I get to call MINE, ALL MINE! I don't have to share him with anyone... well okay maybe with my mom & dad... and not to mention Kaleb might have something to say about me not sharing Andrew since Kaleb seriously idolizes that kid. Regardless~ I think he's a pretty cool kid and I'm pretty proud that I get to take credit for him.

Second, I have an amazing family... I know everyone has amazing families too, but for me I'm not exactly the easiest person to deal with and my family is just fine with that. They love me for me and theres no in between! I'm not sure what I would do without my sister, my brother-in-law (whom I prefer to call my brother, but I guess that would be weird since he's married to my sister!) and my Mom & Dad~ I'm sure I make them crazy but they are always there for me... and Andrew.

I could totally go on and one last thing... okay maybe two more things. First, those godchildren of mine... boy have they changed who I am. I can't imagine life without them~ It's actually hard to remember life before them. They've changed me in so many ways and i wouldn't change one thing about them! Lastly, my buddy Kimmy Chang! She's the best~ she's the one person (that's not family) that I never get tired of. I can simply be myself with her... she's my person! (ok, so Bill is my person too but who's counting. can you really have too many people?)

So, Happy Birthday to me... and thanks for reading all my mushy blabber!


Rollie said...

hmmmm so does that mean you get tired of me??? HUH??? LOL
Love ya kid, and so glad you are in a great place!!!
You are a great person and glad to be here to celebrate your birthday!
Hope you have many more years of being in a good place!!

Anonymous said...

Awww, I love being your person.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birfday to someone who i can call FREAK!! hope it was filled with love and blessings!!


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday to my best friend. Your my person and I really can't believe that we are getting so darn old. I love you more than words can even begin to express. The Sims say Happy Birthday Babe!! I'am looking forward to 31 more crazy years......

Anonymous said...

happy birthday steph - hope you had a great day! Lisa F

stuffie said...

happy brithday!! Hope you ahd a great day, and glad you have your peeps!!

Anonymous said...

i am sooo behind on here . . .but happy belated birthday. i love the way you analyzed where you are. miss you!