Wednesday, May 7, 2008


Sorry... I've been a "bad blogger" these days! I've been meaning to post since sometime last week and it just didn't happen. (besides the fact that I really don't like posting without at least one picture to share, but we won't go there right now!)

School has been crazy busy, turns out that 2 of the classes I thought would be no-brainer's... actually require my brain a whole bunch! Work has actually been busier then normal... so basically life has just been busy!

Kaleb had his first official soccer game on Monday night (of course I couldn't miss that) so I'm going to try to share some pictures from that maybe later tonight. Watching Kaleb play brought back LOTS of memories... Andrew played soccer for years when he was younger and it was a pretty big part of our lives so now it's pretty cool to see Kaleb experiencing being part of a team and learning about the sport too!

That's about it for now! I'm gonna try real hard to post some pictures tonight!


Kim said...

Dude! I was just going to text you to remind you that you had a blog!!!

Rollie said...

LOL to what Kim said!

Glad to see things are busy and going well.