Monday, September 24, 2007

Okay... So it's been a while~

since my last post... i really don't have any excuse for not posting, but for those of you that actually read this little blog of mine I apologize! I'm currently on fall break from school, but getting ready to go back on Monday. As usual I only like to post when I have pictures... so I share with you some pictures from my final week of classes last quarter. (as usual, andrew was one of my models)

These were two of my favorites, I'm so lucky that he still lets me take these pictures. I sometimes feel like I have to make up for all of the pictures I missed when he was younger and it never occured to me to pick up a camera. (at least not as much as i pick it up these days)

This weekend I'm looking forward to getting some crop time in. It's been a while and I'm really looking forward to it. So, basically that's all i got. I'm sorry I don't have any other exciting news. :)


Anonymous said...

Can you please make me a copy of the 1st pic of Andrew? Pretty please? Love him.

Rollie said...


He is so damn HANDSOME!!!

I can't stop saying this, those pictures are AWESOME!!!!

OH I just love them, you have many pictures left in you to take of this wonderful little man, just keep snapping!
Don't worry about what you haven't got....concentrate on what you can still capture.
I love shooting Josh now, there is so much I see in him that I want to express in pictures.
Keep shooting, you are a great photographer...your pictures speak!